Friday, March 4, 2011


I StumbledUpon this funny image a few weeks ago, and since we've been analyzing advertisements recently I thought it was appropriate to share it. You can click here to see the image up close and read the text.
The clever people at have added a new product to Apple stores, and they're marketing it in traditional Apple style. It's.... get ready.... water!! Something we all need. Scoopertino has made it embody everything Apple is, "Clean. Simple." and also what water is, "Wet." The clean and simple design of their ads is one of Apple's trademarks, and Scoopertino has created one so perfectly that I actually wondered if Apple was seriously selling water. Although this image is entirely satirical, it highlights some commonly-used strategies in their advertising. It looks just like the ads on the real Apple's website! A simple photograph of the backlit product they're promoting, with pointers to break down all the great details. My favorite is, "Molecular perfection. Literally twice as many hydrogen atoms as there are oxygen atoms." The word choice is straightforward and a little informal, but informal in the way a respected boss would casually say something to you. Although this ad says that, "Apple Water says everything they need to know about you," it's really saying everyone most people would say about Apple, that it's "beautifully packaged [...] and perfectly overpriced." Everything in this image seems silly, but in the real ads for iPhones and iPads, we fall for the same design and word choice. At least I do (simultaneous blogging on a MacBook and texting on my iPhone...)

1 comment:

  1. This is freaking hilarious! Thanks for digging that up and sharing it. It's a dead on parody of not only Apple advertisement but also Apple corporate identity... "beautifully packaged [...] and perfectly overpriced." :)
